go-models Magazine

Tips and Tricks

The best skin care tips for winter!


Cold autumn air with the following winter is one of the most stressful times for skin and hair. It is not only the cold air but also the dry heating air, which makes itself unpleasantly noticeable. This is we I would like to bring the best skin care tips for winter to you.

In this article, you find some great tips on how to keep your skin and hair soft and supple even in the winter months.

Especially as a model or if you want to become a model, a well-groomed appearance is very important! The next photoshoot could be waiting for you and of course, you have to be prepared.


Sebaceous glands, which are responsible for the natural protection of the skin, reduce their activity during the cold winter months. This causes the skin to dry out faster.

During this time it is important to pay special attention to your skin.

It is best to use face creams that contain shea butter. These creams contribute to rapid skin regeneration and restore the hydrolipid film.

A tip for those who want to become a model: Especially in winter you should always have a moisturizer with you.


Extra protection by sera and masks

Dry skin often feels "old" and tense, and so-called dry wrinkles could also form. Dermatologists recommend applying a highly-concentrated serum during the winter months, which provides additional moisture. Moisturizer masks twice a week may also help keep your skin soft and supple.

You should let the mask act overnight as he skin recovers best during the resting phase.

For a uniform complexion, apply enzyme scrubs. Dead skin is removed and your skin will immediately look fresher and younger.

However not only the face but also shins and elbows tend to dry skin. Soothing creams with panthenol provide a remedy and counteract cracked skin.

If you don't want to do without sports even in winter, you can also use sunscreen and lip balm.


Haircare for winter

As mentioned at the beginning, our hair also suffers from cold and dry heating air. As a model, healthy and beautiful hair is very important. Extra care in winter is therefore also necessary for the hair.

In addition to daily care, spa packs have also proven beneficial in hair care. These are best used twice a week.

Hair packs work particularly well if you do this during a bath. The steam helps the spa pack to penetrate the hair and scalp optimally.

Coconut oil, in particular, is a miracle cure. Simply massage coconut oil into the hair tips and leave to act for half an hour – then rinse with shampoo.


However, if the best hair care products no longer help and the hair at the tips is still dry and split, it is recommended to visit the hairdresser. Cut out the split, and your hair will immediately look healthy again.

Becoming a model is an exciting time. The necessary facial and hair care during the winter months helps to always look and feel good! :) We hope these best skin care tips for winter will be useful to you.

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